

来源: 日期:2020-07-21 发布人:admin浏览次数:0
The bronze door is a kind of door commonly used in daily life now. It is resplendent, steady and heavy, giving people a feeling of solemnity and holiness, and an extraordinary appearance. Strong and durable features for the host to support the face. There are many performance characteristics of copper door, the outstanding one is its appearance characteristics. Do you know how to install it?
1. 先把门扇取下,将门框放进门洞用水平尺、线垂直检查是否摆正平正。若不平正,要用木片垫平正。
1. Take down the door leaf first, put the door frame into the door opening, and check whether it is upright with a level ruler and line. If it is not straight, it should be leveled with wood chips.
2. 在门框与墙之间缝隙处入木片,门框稳定。安装的时候要往门框内灌注水泥沙浆,水泥沙浆凝固干燥后把门缝外木片取出后就可以使用了。但在24小时内,尽量减少开启次数与力度。
2. Insert wood chips into the gap between the door frame and the wall to make the door frame stable. When installing, the cement mortar should be poured into the door frame. After the cement mortar is solidified and dried, the wood chips outside the door joint can be used. But within 24 hours, try to reduce the number and strength of opening.
3. 通常铜门在制作加工的时候,会有对表面的漆处理,这一步主要是起保护作用的。铜门表面的油漆对铜门的材质有的保护作用,因此铜门安装的过程要小心谨慎,不要让硬物、尖锐物体碰撞到铜门,否则表面油漆出现划脱落,就会让原材料长期在外面,和空气内的氧气产生反应而生锈,影响美观。
3. Usually, when the copper door is manufactured and processed, there will be paint treatment on the surface, which is mainly for protection. The paint on the surface of the copper door has a protective effect on the material of the copper door. Therefore, the installation process of the copper door should be careful not to let hard objects and sharp objects collide with the copper door. Otherwise, the paint on the surface will be scratched and fall off, which will make the raw materials outside for a long time, react with the oxygen in the air and rust, which will affect the beauty.
4. 虽然铜本身是耐腐蚀性和性比较强的,但是在进行铜门安装的时候,施工现场尽量不要出现高氧化性、强腐蚀性的化学用品,避开和铜门的直接接触。如果不慎将化学品接触到本产品表面,就用清水冲洗干净,再用柔软的干净抹布擦干。如果需要,可以用清洁剂喷涂于铜门表面进行清洁保养。
4. Although the copper itself has strong corrosion resistance and performance, when installing the copper door, try not to have high oxidizing and corrosive chemicals on the construction site, and avoid direct contact with the copper door. If the chemicals contact the surface of the product, rinse it with water and dry it with a soft clean cloth. If necessary, it can be sprayed on the surface of copper door with cleaning agent for cleaning and maintenance.
5. 新的铜门表面通常有一层腹膜纸,是用来保护产品的。安装的时候不急着把腹膜纸去掉,以免门受到损坏。比如在墙面装修的时候,粉刷墙面掉落下来的水泥和油漆等化学物质,沾在铜门上,时间长了容易起黑点生锈。铜门的下框也要保护好,可以用木板做成U型槽。
5. A new copper door usually has a layer of peritoneal paper on the surface to protect the product. When installing, do not rush to remove the peritoneal paper, in order to avoid damage to the door. For example, when the wall is decorated, the cement and paint and other chemical substances dropped from the wall surface are stained on the copper door, which can easily get black spots and rust after a long time. The lower frame of the copper door should also be well protected. The U-shaped groove can be made of wood.
6. 有墙面需要清洗的,在墙面清洗前要用塑料薄膜把门密封保护。是一些装饰材料比较的,例如大理石墙面,清洗的时候要用到草酸等化学剂会严重损坏产品,所以不能使该类物质接触到铜门表面。
6. If the wall needs to be cleaned, the door should be sealed and protected with plastic film before the wall cleaning. It is a comparison of some decorative materials, such as marble wall, when cleaning, oxalic acid and other chemicals will seriously damage the product, so this kind of material can not contact the surface of copper door.
7. 为了保鲜膜会附着在铜门上,安装完成后要及时把保鲜膜揭掉,为了不影响美观,尽量在30天内处理。
7. In order to keep the plastic film attached to the copper door, the plastic film should be removed in time after installation. In order not to affect the appearance, it should be treated within 30 days as far as possible.
8. 不可在锁孔中涂抹油脂类物质,以免发生锁孔堵塞。如遇有门扇不能正常开启或其他影响铜门使用的问题时,请及时与厂家服务部联系。
8. Do not apply grease in the keyhole to avoid blockage. In case of the door can not be opened normally or other problems affecting the use of the copper door, please contact the service department of the manufacturer in time.
9. 铜门一般要尽量受到雨淋和阳光直接照射,否则频率太高,会缩短铜门外观使用寿命。
9. Generally, copper doors should be directly exposed to rain and sunlight, otherwise the frequency is too high, which will shorten the appearance service life of copper doors.
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