

来源: 日期:2024-02-21 发布人:创始人浏览次数:0


The classical beauty inherent in copper doors and copper decorations has become the preferred choice for furniture decoration. But in fact, copper doors have many advantages, not just because of this.


Copper doors can showcase class. Compared with other categories, copper doors not only have a golden and magnificent appearance, but also have a characteristic of favorable feng shui. Copper doors have a high value, which is conducive to showcasing the owner's taste and improving the level. Like a loyal guardian deity in a family.

铜可以保持常新 。铜在实用性和保持性能是十分优越的,其子孙万代都不会发生改变,而对于建筑物,一座经典且独特的设计能永存,那必然是一种价值所在。

Copper can remain permanently fresh. Copper is extremely superior in practicality and retention performance, and it will not change for generations to come. For buildings, a classic and unique design that can last forever is undoubtedly a valuable asset.


Copper door accessories have high safety. Copper doors will be equipped with high-end anti-theft locks, sky and earth protection bolts, door seam light and dark bolts, etc. The anti-theft quality is very good, which can ensure the safety of home life.

出色的色彩效果 。从风水学上说,铜门的颜色与房主的五行之色相匹配,能带来财气和好运。如果您的进户门选用的是铜门,将随身携带的一些独特的质感。此外,铜门颜色、款式,花型丰富!

Excellent color effects. From the perspective of feng shui, the color of a copper door matches the color of the homeowner's Five Elements, which can bring wealth and good luck. If you choose a copper door for your entrance, you will carry some unique textures with you. In addition, copper doors come in a variety of colors, styles, and floral patterns!


Is the material made of copper?


You can touch it with your hands based on the quality of the material. The texture of the good copper door is thick, and the surface is smooth and free of burrs; Looking at the polishing again, if it doesn't reveal any white, it will be pure copper.





The thickness of the oxide film on copper doors should reach 10 microns or more. When purchasing, you can lightly scratch the surface of the profile to see if the oxide film on its surface can be wiped off. A good copper door will have better anti oxidation coating and better resistance to oxidation and corrosion.


Copper door craftsmanship details


A good copper door must have a very delicate and beautiful splicing process. Looking at the pattern again, a good copper door has a more three-dimensional and vivid design and craftsmanship, and is in harmony with the overall proportion of the copper door. Some high-end copper doors also come with welcome lights.


Key areas to be investigated


In addition to checking the material and craftsmanship of the copper door, you also need to investigate these aspects: whether the door leaf and frame can be tightly closed; Whether the opening of the copper door is smooth and flexible enough; Is there any phenomenon of missed or unwelded welding in the production process; Also, whether the copper door gap can remain tightly closed.


The price of copper doors varies


As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. For products like copper doors that require great craftsmanship, the prices obviously vary. The better the material, the more exquisite the craftsmanship, and the corresponding prices are definitely not cheap. So it depends on the price, mainly on the goods. If the price is too low or too high, you need to re evaluate it yourself.


Service and after-sales service


The installation and after-sales service of copper doors are also an important link that cannot be ignored. Because even if the quality of copper doors is good, improper installation can lead to various problems, and coupled with poor after-sales service, it becomes even more headache inducing! As a large-scale home decoration project, copper doors must be installed by professional personnel.


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